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Thread: [VIC] Reasonably priced MK1 Golf mechanics in Melbourne?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
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    [VIC] Reasonably priced MK1 Golf mechanics in Melbourne?

    Hey all

    I picked up a beige beast (Beige be born!) this past weekend and the clutch leaves a bit to be desired.

    I've got heaps of niggly jobs I don't have time to fix up (sump gasket, CVs) so I'm trying to suss out a likeable mechanic I can trust to fix 'er up for victorian rego without having to hawk over each dollar quoted.

    Made a few calls today - Volkscare, Volkspower, can't get through to volkwerke, waiting to hear back from vw_tech, i'm getting quoted 800-1000 all inclusive for replacing the clutch. just the clutch.
    volkspower said 450 for the clutch, couldnt quote on labor then said probably 4 or 5 hours so another 400ish.

    Being it's got the 1.8l 8V, it's a 210mm clutch - Called Bursons for a price up, retail price is 290 and he said a couple more bits and he'd give me trade.

    Is there any mechanics anywhere in Melbourne (don't mind driving out) who aren't gonna try to burn me? It's what, a 3 hour DIY job?

    I'm off to Perth for a week from next Wednesday, the Tas reg expires while I'm away anyone got any recommendations?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Eastern suburbs of Melb
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    3 hour DIY mate...had to do it at 11pm at night on my own in the driveway!

    just need ramps and something to hold that motor in place and drop the box!

  3. #3
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    Anyone got some room and tools? working bee
    If I get outta work early I'm going to Bursons to order it in, it'll take a day or two to come in.
    I'll get some brand new CVs and a sump gasket, pick up a slab and make a night of it

  4. #4
    a great mechanic in bayswater called Top Gun Mechanical - he is pretty honest & thats talking from many years exp in looking for a good mechanic - ask for craig 03 97613434

  5. #5
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    Just got onto volkwerke - Got quoted the usual 800 all up, was a bit WTF and he came down to a reasonable price when he realised it's not a fullsik turbo, just a simple 8v'er.
    Sounded like a good guy once I got over that hump, I'll see how it pans out. booked 'er in for monday, with no expectation to finish before i head interstate

  6. #6
    well im glad you found somone hope it works out ok-btw i was offering help

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Orange NSW
    The guys at Volkwerke are straight shooters.

    Remember that they are more than likely fitting new clutch and flywheel bolts for you, too.. So that goes into the cost.

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    thanks for the help guys

    it cut out on me this morning in peak hour and i havent managed to get it going, might need a tow out to volkwerke.

    gotta laugh about it i guess

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC

    Boris at Volkscare is an awsome bloke. Dean and the crew at Volkspower know their stuff. Volkswerke is good too...


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